
emotions by FlexedUpMigo

Greg Reynoso Journalist
Emotions by flexedupmigo
E M O T I O N S by FlexedUpMigo

 E M O T I O N S by FlexedUpMigo was just released over the night, and it offers up a little something for everyone this Valentines Day. Including throwback favorites from Childish Gambino, Jagged Edge and most anticipating, Caseygold, E M O T I O N S undeniably delivers just in time this Love Season. Notably, you’ll catch new music by Caseygold, which is a hopeful sign for more music to come from him. Make sure to check back to be the first to hear more from Caseygold. Make sure to listen to E M O T I O N S  by FlexedUpMigo above, and join us on our Instagram and Twitter to tell us what you think.