

Greg Reynoso Journalist

Fresh New York native, WHADAFUNK, is a full swing streetwear apparel brand that is on it’s grind. With a wide array of clothing and head piece options to choose from, you’ll surely catch yourself stuck in a rut when trying to choose. Check them out and make sure to come read up on our exclusive full featured interview this Monday for our weekly ‘Music Mondays’ series.

Whadafunk“: (n) 1 An exclamation; an abrupt, verbal ejaculation that describes the pervading sense that life is a celebration of funk whether it be in a pair of gym shoes or the back of a record crate or on the canvas-like walls of the inner city.

2 A lifestyle brand grounded in the avenues and boroughs of New York City that is dedicated to bringing you gear that supports an innovative and respect-commanding lifestyle.

‘Whadafunk Clothing Co. is the brainchild of New York natives John Gutierrez and Ed Santos.  Together with a creative outfit of motivated individuals, we’ve been dedicated to consistently delivering a product that’s fresh and innovative since two-thousand and five. We want people to wear Whadafunk with the knowledge that they are getting only the highest quality design aesthetic at the most affordable pricing. We want you to be excited about buying new clothes again. So go for it. Consume. With the confidence of someone dedicated to wearing and experiencing only the illest life has to offer. ‘